Company Profile

More markets now utilize secure credentials. But they lack the infrastructure to support strong authentication and validation; they aren't equipped for practical, everyday use. To address this need, XTec provides managed infrastructure that rapidly authenticates electronic transactions. Our system verifies the authenticity of both the request and the requestor, providing ongoing protection from fraud.

Who We Are

XTec is the premier provider of authentication and security solutions in today's marketplace. Our keystone solution, AuthentX, offers the only end-to-end, high assurance identity management infrastructure available for Government and commercial enterprises. It supports:

AuthentX's success reflects the experiences of XTec's founders. A small group of research-focused engineers established the company in 1992 with a vision for strong identity authentication. They first targeted counterfeiting and fraud, using reverse engineering to secure ATM and other financial transactions. The technology they developed later informed the creation of AuthentX.

The success of XTec's solution is rivaled only by the quality of our staff. XTec executive management hails from Fortune 500 companies.

XTec's dynamic combination of unparalleled technology and impeccable staff offers significant value to our customers. Perhaps that's why Federal and commercial enterprises alike continue to choose XTec.

Government Compliance

XTec began Federal Government work in the 1990s. Our capabilities as smart card, security, and digital authentication experts first supported physical access control for Department of State; the Department remains an XTec customer. With the 2004 issuance of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, the first Government mandate to endorse widespread adoption of smart cards, more Federal Agencies looked to XTec for security solutions.

Our AuthentX IDMS fully vets individuals' identity in accordance with Federal Information Processing Standard 201. We issue Personal Identity Verification credentials and manage those credentials and identities in support of physical and logical access control for Federal facilities and resources.

See who uses XTec for security and authentication!

High Assurance Interoperability

In April 2011, XTec became one of the first certified PIV-Interoperable credential providers. The PIV-I credential, fully interoperable with the Federal PIV credential, allows Government parties to ensure the validity of non-Federal identities. Due to its certification, XTec can provide strong identity verification, authentication, and access control to commercial and private organizations that want to be interoperable with the Federal Government. Such organizations include:

  • First Responders
  • State or Local Government
  • Private Corporations that support the Government
  • Health Care
  • Financial and Banking

Engineering & Design

Many security and authentication solutions on the market today are fragmented. They consist of countless products, providing a model that is difficult to deploy and manage. The complexity of integrated solutions utilizing these products often results in higher costs.

XTec's in-house engineers, however, designed our end-to-end solution to be easy to manage — scalable, flexible, and practical. We believe that security does not and should not require time-intensive, complex implementation or be a burden to maintain and update.

  • Scalable
  • Flexible
  • Practical