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Authentication and security solutions you can trust.
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About Us
XTec delivers an advanced managed infrastructure that rapidly authenticates electronic transactions, ensuring secure verification of the requests and the requestors to protect against fraud.
We are industry leaders in authentication and security solutions
Revolutionize Your Identity Management with AuthentX IDMS/CMS
Physical Access Control
Transform Your Security with AuthentX Physical Access Control
Secure Your Future with AuthentX Cloud: FedRAMP High Solution
Authentication & Validation
Secure Your Transactions with XTec's Advanced Authentication & Validation
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Navigating complexity requires a trusted partner with specialized expertise and cross-industry agility to ensure consistent success. We collaborate with organizations in regulated commercial and public sectors to drive transformation and lead the way toward a pioneering future.

Department of the Navy (DON) ActiveID Enterprise Service License (ESL) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
“This DON ESL Agreement provides a contract vehicle for all Navy components to purchase new HID Global perpetual licenses, maintenance, as well as maintenance for all HID Global perpetual licenses previously purchased (and still in use) by the DON. For the purposes of this BPA the term middleware and software are synonymous. The current BPA number is: N6600124A0043”

(link https://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/manufacturer.do?mfrName=XTEC)
For Assistance email Sales@xtec.com